The connection between wellness & beauty workshop: Wellness incorporates all aspects of our daily lives. Physical beauty and personal features can easily influence areas of well-being. It is essential to recognize how important beauty and all things related to it impacts daily routine.
Empowerment & Goal setting (Various Modules: Seminar or vision board/self-collage creation): An overview of self-esteem, self-efficacy and resilience to stimulate change. Creating tangible goals and establishing realistic plans help to motivate individuals from the inside out.
Beauty Assessment: In-depth examination of makeup products and tools used on a regular basis. The ultimate goal is to ensure that makeup is being used properly, and to check the condition of the contents. Tips are shared to enhance your makeup supply and skills to obtain the best results possible.
Makeup Application Instruction (i.e., Job Interview Make-Up Application Workshop): From basic to intentional applications, everyone needs a little help every now and again. Learn appropriate techniques, and tips to transform your make up skills. Proactively partake in self-applied makeup application coached by the consultant. In essence you learn and practice skills. By the end a new level of confidence is achieved, and makeup knowledge is increased.
Employment Readiness Training: Wellness and beauty topics relate to the workplace. Whether you are working part-time, a salaried position, or seeking employment - wellness and beauty can take a toll if ignored and not addressed. Discuss workplace expectations, self-care methods to reduce stress, expand upon self-confidence, and promote advocacy for one’s self.